Goddess — Book Review


The Deets

author: Josephine Angelini

released: May 28, 2013

format: e-book, paperback, hardcover

pages: 437 pages

publisher: HarperTeen

Read: June 1 -2, 2013

Book Pages: Amazon.com  • Goodreads.com • B&N.com • Author’s Website

The Down-low

After accidentally unleashing the gods from their captivity on Olympus, Helen must find a way to re-imprison them without starting a devastating war. But the gods are angry, and their thirst for blood already has a body count.

To make matters worse, the Oracle reveals that a diabolical Tyrant is lurking among them, which drives a wedge between the once-solid group of friends. As the gods use the Scions against one another, Lucas’s life hangs in the balance. Still unsure whether she loves him or Orion, Helen is forced to make a terrifying decision, for war is coming to her shores.

In Josephine Angelini’s compelling conclusion to the masterfully woven Starcrossed trilogy, a goddess must rise above it all to change a destiny that’s been written in the stars. With worlds built just as fast as they crumble, love and war collide in an all-out battle that will leave no question unanswered and no heart untouched.(From Goodreads.com)

Why You Should Buy It

This tumultuous ending to an amazing series will surprise, shock, and amaze readers — it is everything you want in a book and more.

My Thoughts


I just want to hug this book and the characters in it.  Angelini drops us right back in the middle of the action — the Scions trying to heal from their fight with Ares.  The book takes off and never slows down.  I could not put it down at any point — every page was full of mystery and suspense.

I really have to hand it to this author — I wasn’t able to predict the events that were going to occur.  She completely avoided as many cliches as possible (except the fatal love-at-first sight encounters that all the characters somehow faced) and left my head spinning with the twists and turns the story took.

The Greek mythology is brought to life — not only from the modern sense, but from the days of Troy.  I think it is great that we got to see both ‘Helens’, especially since there are teens reading the story.  I loved how other points in history were also woven into the plot.  My hope is this story inspires teens to read The Iliad or The Odyssey or any of the other classics that were a starting point for this story.  I know I found myself wanting to pick them up again.

The best part of the book was that the ending isn’t shiny and perfect.  Things happen, choices are made, and the end is a bit unpredictable.  I have issues with books that can’t finish a series strong — it tarnishes the entire series.  This is definitely one book that does not disappoint in that aspect.


Five out of Five Stars

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