Top Ten Tuesday (38)

top ten tuesday

It’s Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is:

Top Ten Books in X Genre

So this post started a long and winding conversation with Loren and I about genres and the subcategories within YA. I won’t bore you with the details, but let me just say trying to come up with parameters about what makes a book fit in x category is both a science and an art.

I decided to go off the beaten path and do a subgenre that I absolutely love. I’ve lovingly called it ‘tough issues’.  This is basically anything that is going to make you cry: death, mental illness, abuse, etc.  I know so many people are turned off by books like this, but I am drawn to them.  The more emotion and tears the better.

Loren decided to go with Supernatural (probably because she is joining the fandom and binge watching Supernatural over spring break!)

Top Ten ‘Tough Issues’ YA Books


almost_book_cover hold_still_book_cover hopeless_book_cover if_i_stay_book_cover lovely_bones_book_cover my_sisters_keeper_book_cover speak_book_cover tfios_the_fault_in_our_stars_book_cover thirteen_reasons_why_book_cover wintergirls_book_cover perks before_i_fall_book_cover

Almost • Speak

Both books about rape, but different enough from one another to be on the list together.

The Fault in Our Stars • My Sister’s Keeper

These will induce tears, but because of things beyond cancer. 

If I Stay • The Lovely Bones • Before I Fall

These books are both told from the perspective of someone dead. All three are exquisitely written and passionate about life.

Hold Still • Thirteen Reasons Why

Suicide told from the perspective of those left behind

Hopeless • Perks of Being a Wallflower

These two books are vastly different, but both speak to the lasting effects of abuse.


This book is about mental illness in the form of anorexia. While there are SO many MI books I recommend, this book is one that always comes to mind first. It was devastating and inspiring.


Top Ten Supernatural YA Books


I love the Supernatural and everything that goes with it. I love the things that go bump in the night and to be quite honest, I often dream of the Supernatural. It is my favorite genre to escape into and often my go-to genre when I don’t know what to read next. I sometimes think that my life is displayed in these books…but of course, we all know that isn’t possible.

Passion • City of Glass • Spirit Bound • Burned

        These four all fit together because it deals with finding yourself and finding who you belong to.

Masquerade • Eclipse

Both of these books touch the love triangle in different ways. Whether they are destined to be together or have loved in a different life, both stories push the boundaries of what love it.

Shiver • Linger

First and Second in a trilogy, both books are about finding love and belonging to a world you feel left out of.

Frankenstein • The Short Life of Bree Turner

        These two books are about new life and creation and finding the balance between right and wrong.


So, that’s it.  What popular authors have you managed not to read yet?

jess and loren

10 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday (38)

  1. I have really loved a lot of the books on this list – most notably Speak, The Lovely Bones, and Before I Fall, all of which I read at completely different stages of life and in that order now that I think of it haha

  2. Loved that you featured two genres 🙂 If I Stay was such a heartbreaking book and I loved it. But I actually loved Where She Went more. Nevertheless, these two, being companion novels, are great together just like Mia and Adam. ^_^

    I don’t care what other people may say, I loved the Twilight series. There’s this one scene in Eclipse that was just broke my heart because of Stephanie Meyer’s use of her beautiful prose. This was the one where Jacob’s explains how he can’t fight an eclipse and all that. Gosh, that was beautiful 🙂

    Thanks for sharing! Here’s My Top Ten Tuesday list 🙂

    Camille @ Girl meets Books

  3. I haven’t read any books from Richelle Mead, can you believe it? Also Nina LaCour and Lauren Kate (the latter is because I’m not interested in her books, anyway) but I really love some of your choices. If I Stay is one of my all time favorite YA books, I cridd so HARD reading that one. x)

  4. I haven’t read any books from Richelle Mead, can you believe it? Also Nina LaCour and Lauren Kate (the latter is because I’m not interested in her books, anyway) but I really love some of your choices. If I Stay is one of my all time favorite YA books, I cried so HARD reading that one. x)

Lovely words from lovely people!