Top Ten Tuesday (38)

top ten tuesday

It’s Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is:

Top Ten Books in X Genre

So this post started a long and winding conversation with Loren and I about genres and the subcategories within YA. I won’t bore you with the details, but let me just say trying to come up with parameters about what makes a book fit in x category is both a science and an art.

I decided to go off the beaten path and do a subgenre that I absolutely love. I’ve lovingly called it ‘tough issues’.  This is basically anything that is going to make you cry: death, mental illness, abuse, etc.  I know so many people are turned off by books like this, but I am drawn to them.  The more emotion and tears the better.

Loren decided to go with Supernatural (probably because she is joining the fandom and binge watching Supernatural over spring break!)

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An Exciting Announcement from Such a Novel Idea

books to grow on

Such a Novel Idea is growing!

We’ve had so much fun reviewing YA and NA novels.  It’s just the best.  But, we’re ready to branch out.  I’ve got a precocious five year old and a brilliant seven year old who happens to have autism.  They are both true book lovers and enjoy reading almost as much as their mommy does.  Loren has a one year old nephew and another niece/nephew on the way!  Obviously, we’ve got a lot of great kiddos at different ages and levels in search of a good book.

So, we’re going to add a feature section entitled Books to Grow On.  We will be reading and reviewing children’s literature.

Exciting, huh?

We think so.  We’re going to read and review children’s books of all ages — young children, readers, middle grade, etc.  And my five year old Riley is happily going to get to voice her opinion and weigh in on the books herself.  It should be a fun time for all of us.

Look for this new feature very, very soon.  And we’d LOVE to hear your suggestions!

Much love and excitement,

jess and loren

*and Riley*

Top Ten Tuesday (37)

top ten tuesday

It’s Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is:

Top Ten Popular Authors I’ve Never Read

This was surprisingly hard, because I’ve read so many books in the last couple of years.  However, I was able to come up with ten (actually 15, but I cut it down) that have escaped my reading list thus far.

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