Book Blitz — PSS Chronicles by Ripley Patton


Today I am VERY excited to participate in the book blitz for Ripley Patton’s PSS Chronicles.  The first book, Ghost Hand, was released November 30, 2012 and the second, Ghost Hold, was released October 1, 2013.

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Book Blitz & GIVEAWAY — The Perimeter by Shalini Boland


Today we are excited to participate in the book blitz (organized by Xpresso Book Tours) for The Perimeter by Shalini Boland.  The Perimeter is the third book in the young adult post apocalyptic series (Outside).  It was released TODAY, November 18, 2013.

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Book Blast & GIVEAWAY — Unbreathable by Hafsah Laziaf


Today we are excited to participate in the book blitz (organized by Books Over Boys) for Unbreathable by Hafsah Laziaf.  Unbreathable is a young adult science fiction book and Laziaf’s debut novel that was released October 29, 2013.

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