Indie Spotlight: The Travelers Series by Claudia Lefeve


Today’s Indie Spotlight features Claudia Lefeve.  Claudia is an author from Texas.  Her series (which she calls young adult speculative fiction), The Travelers Series, follows a young girl who has special abilities (including crossing through parallel/alernate universes.  The best part –book one (Parallel) is now FREE on Amazon!

The Books

Parallel (1)

Destiny has a way of catching up.

Saddled with powers she doesn’t understand, Etta Fleming’s world is turned upside-down the day she meets Cooper Everett, the man who transports her to an alternate reality. A reality she was meant to be a part of.

One minute, she’s an orphan living at Dominion House for Girls, an institution for delinquent foster kids, then finds herself attending the exclusive Dominion Hall Academy.

Plucked from the only world she’s ever known, Etta now has to deal with an aunt she never knew, a boyfriend she doesn’t know, and a best friend who can’t know. (

Paradox (2)

Everything is predestined.

Etta is slowly readjusting to life in her new reality, while still recovering from the shock over the news regarding her relationship with Cooper.

While learning more about her role as leader of the Council, she soon discovers that her future is linked to the five extraordinary individuals she must recruit in order to ensure her destiny.

Nothing is as it seems, as rivals become allies and friends become the enemy. (

Paradigm (3)

Take hold of your destiny.

Etta Fleming doesn’t know she was meant to return to her true reality four years ago. After years of being the “orphan girl” in the alternate world she grew up in, she’s finally carved a niche for herself with a great job, a steady boyfriend, and a best friend by her side. 

Undeterred by the shift in the timeline, it is up to Cooper Everett and his friends to convince Etta that she is still destined to become their leader, fighting against their post-apocalyptic future.

Will meeting the ghosts of her past convince Etta that she’s part of a grander destiny? Or will her past, present, and future worlds collide? (

Hitched (Short Story)

After the events of PARALLEL and PARADOX, in a timeline shift prior to the reality of PARADIGM, comes HITCHED, a Travelers Series short story. Coming soon! (

About the Author


Claudia Lefeve was born and raised in the Gulf Coast border town of Brownsville, Texas; a curious place where folks see curanderas in lieu of shrinks, tortillas are served at every meal, and even gringos speak Spanish. PARALLEL, the first book in The Travelers series, is her debut YA speculative novel. She currently resides in Northern Virginia with her husband and one precocious pug.respond to all emails.

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Buy Her Books

The Travelers Series

*NOTE* Click cover for more information.  Book ONE (Parallel) is free now on Amazon!

I hope you enjoy this series as much as I have!


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