New Reads Monday — Week of February 4

new reads monday

What’s new in YA this week?  Find out here!

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A Year in Review — Hello 2014, Goodbye 2013!

happy new year

2014 is finally here if you can believe it (I can’t!).  In some ways, 2013 was the longest year and in others it flew by.  It was definitely a year of challenges, but it ended a lot better than it started.

PLUS, I found my place in the world when I came into this blog.  So, I can’t help but be thankful for that.  Here’s a little review about 2013, as well as my look forward to 2014!

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Super Six Sunday (3)


Super Six Sunday is an original bookish meme created by Bewitched Bookworms and inspired by “Top Ten Tuesday” from The Broke and The Bookish .  Today’s topic is:

Super 6 Bad Bookish Boyfriends

Oh yes, we ALL love to love the bad boys in our books… So here are six that I have an affinity for.



Will Herondale

Poor tortured Will.  Hated everyone on the outside, because he was afraid he’d kill them otherwise.  And his only friend was a boy who was going to die anyways.

Sigh… Bad boys who are bad to save others ::swoon::



Jace Wayland Morgenstern Herondale Lightwood

Jace was cocky and really messed up, but that just added to his charm. (Fan Art credit)


warner unravel me

Warner (Aaron Warner)

Warner, Warner, Warner… I hated you in Shatter Me.  You were clearly the bad guy and it was easy when you only wanted to keep Juliette locked away and kill the man she loved.  But then you had to go and be all dashing and conflicted and lovely in Unravel Me. Seriously, just stop.




Dean Holder

Another bad boy to protect the ones he loves.



Noah Shaw

Troubled past + dead mom + absent father + too much money = poor, tortured Noah Shaw.

Oh Noah, I hate how you throw your money around, but you sure are swoony.


And he may not be a book character (except in the fake book series created about Dean & Sam), but yeah… Dean Winchester!

