Super Six Sunday (2)


Super Six Sunday is an original bookish meme created by Bewitched Bookworms and inspired by “Top Ten Tuesday” from The Broke and The Bookish .  Today’s topic is:

Super 6 Killer Book Endings

And killer in “I want to kill this book by throwing it at a wall” kind of endings.  Cliffhangers.  We love to hate them don’t we?  They can make for a spectacular ending, but then we have to wait on pins and needles for the next book to come out. So what are six of my favorite killer endings?  Let’s see…



Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I mean who wasn’t just left with.. WHAT? written all over there faces at that end?



City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Umm, Jace’s who now?



Across the Universe by Beth Revis

This book starts off slow, but once it gets going it doesn’t stop, that is until it SLAMS into that ending.



Everbound by Brodi Ashton

I suffered from slack-jawed at the end of this book.  COLE!



Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

Actually, Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix could fit in this category too.  But this one, this one stabbed me in the heart.  I’m pretty sure I suffered a bout of depression for days after finishing HBP.



Solitary by Travis Thrasher

This was one of the most unprecedented, shocking endings I’ve ever read.  I raged and raged at Travis Thrasher for a few days.  Then, I begrudgingly picked up book two and moved on.  In hindsight, I’ve come to accept the ending, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it!

So, those are my six?  What are some books you love to rage about when it comes to the end?


New Reads — Week of July 15


It’s Monday again, and we’ve got another list of new releases for the week!


I have to say, I think I want to read Imperfect Spiral!  What book are YOU looking forward to this week?


Summer Lovin Read-a-Thon — Day 6

The Summer Lovin’ Read-A-Thon is hosted by Reviewing Wonderland and takes place this week July 1-7.  It’s not too late to sign up if you want to be involved!

Hound Dogs

Today’s participation post asks us to:
It’s good to be Bad….boys that is!! Tell us which bad boys make your heart go pitter-patter in all the wrong right ways!

I have to admit, I tend to gravitate towards the good guys, rather than bad in books.  However, here’s a couple I think might fit the bill.

1. Will Herondale

douglas-booth willh

Poor tortured Will.  Hated everyone on the outside, because he was afraid he’d kill them otherwise.  And his only friend was a boy who was going to die anyways.

Sigh… Bad boys who are bad to save others ::swoon::

2. Jace Wayland Morgenstern Herondale Lightwood


Jace was cocky and really messed up, but that just added to his charm. (Fan Art credit)

3. Dean Holder


Another bad boy to protect the ones he loves.

4. Warner (Aaron Warner)

warner unravel me

Warner, Warner, Warner… I hated you in Shatter Me.  You were clearly the bad guy and it was easy when you only wanted to keep Juliette locked away and kill the man she loved.  But then you had to go and be all dashing and conflicted and lovely in Unravel Me. Seriously, just stop.


So, who are YOUR hound dogs?

Summer Fling

Any of the above plus Four ❤



And he may not be a book character (except in the fake book series created about Dean & Sam), but yeah… Dean Winchester!



Read-a-thon Results:
Viral Nation: COMPLETED
Losing Hope: COMPLETED
Life After Theft: COMPLETED (finally!)
Forget Me Not: 66%