Top Ten Tuesday (35)

top ten tuesday

It’s Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is:

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

I was born to read.  Some of my earliest memories are reading books and making up my own stories.  One of my favorite childhood photos is a picture of me sitting outside, roller skates cast off, sitting in a fold out chair reading not one, but two books. I was the kid who would get books taken away as punishment and who perfected reading under the covers (and in the closet!) without getting caught.  Now that I’m an adult, I don’t have to hide, but if you see bags under my eyes, you know why.

When I started this adventure last April, I had NO idea where it would take me.  I could not of predicted the fun and enjoyment it would bring, along with the opportunities.  Adding Loren to the team in January just made the whole thing 100x better, because now I get to do all of it with my bbf (yes, that is best friends forever as spelled by my five year old. It was cute and kind of stuck).

So, here are our reasons we love being bloggers and readers!

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Top Ten Tuesday (34)

top ten tuesday

It’s Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is:

Top Ten Worlds Books That Make Me Swoon

I do my fair share of swooning, especially over fictional boyfriends—but there are just some books that leave me fanning myself, falling to the floor gracefully.

So, without further ado…

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Top Ten Tuesday (33)

top ten tuesday

It’s Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is:

Top Ten Worlds Books That Made Me Cry

Yeah, so this is awkward.  I have a thing about books that make you cry. I kind of seek them out. Why? I don’t know. I like to torment myself, I suppose.  When I went to make this post, I counted 48 books in my Goodreads that could be on this post.  And that was grouping series as one book.  So, obviously I have issues.  And this post was incredible difficult to choose just ten.

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